Code World Do you want to learn programming while playing video game or test your code writing skills? This puzzle game is here for you! In Code World you control the robot that can walk around the world and send messages to devices. Every device reacts on those messages according to its Python code. You will have to read this code, understand what messages to send and write your own code.
50 levels
Devices can send messages too
Change code, move and destroy devices
Divide by zero
Make endless loops
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1侦探小画家 1.0.33
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2我的大刀四十米 2.04
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3小偷独角兽 1.1.1
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4僵尸德比:像素生存 1.0.1
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5班迪的梦魇狂奔 1.4.3676
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6农场主大作战 1.3.0
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8嘻哈酷跑 1.3.1
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9儿童农场 1.2
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